
Best Time of Day to Take Vitamins

Chances are if you take vitamins, you want to maximize your health. Therefore, it only makes sense that you would maximize the benefits of your vitamins by choosing the best time of day to take vitamins. 

Of course, the issue is that there is not a clear answer for when the best time of day to take vitamins is. There is no magic hour or magic time, but you can consider a few things to help make sure you are getting the most out of the vitamins that you take.

Do Vitamins & Supplements Work?

Of course, those taking supplements probably already know a thing or two about debating the merits of vitamins. For the past ten years, there has been a lot of debate surrounding the topic of whether or not vitamins are good for you or helpful, even though there are some instances where they are recommended. For example, it has become the standard of care for pregnant women to take folic acid or for those deficient in VItamin D to take a daily supplement.

People seem to be plenty happy with their choice of vitamins, regardless of what any study says, given a 2017 survey that found that 52% of people regularly took dietary supplements. The willingness of people to take vitamins proves that there is a place for them in daily life, but once again, the question is when is the best time of day to take vitamins. That way, you get the most out of your money, and you get the most out of your supplements.

Best Time of Day to Take Vitamins Based on Dietary Choices

Sometimes which supplements you choose to take plays a significant role in the best time to take vitamins. For instance, if you are taking iron daily (which should never be done without oversight from a medical doctor), you do not want to take your iron at the same time as dairy. This is because dairy will inhibit your body from correctly absorbing the nutrients into your body. Therefore, if you eat cereal for breakfast, it might be best to take iron at another time of the day. On the other hand, Vitamin C can help your body absorb iron, so taking it with a glass of orange for breakfast with a bagel could be an excellent option.

In short, what vitamins you are taking and your daily schedule has a lot to do with the best time of day to take vitamins. Everyone has a different response to supplement use because everybody has a different body and different preferences. Getting in tune with your body and learning to identify your eating patterns, and relating them to your supplement use is the best way to ensure that you are getting the most out of your supplements.

Is It Better to Take Supplements At Night Or During the Day

This is a topic that is quite contentious, as everyone has their own opinion about the best time of day to take supplements. Depending on who you talk to, it is either one or the other or perhaps both. There are compelling arguments to be made for both sides of the coin, so here are a few things that you should consider while attempting to figure out the best tie to take vitamins for your situation.

In general, some logic supports multivitamins, and B vitamins are best when incorporated as part of your morning routine. This is because B vitamins are thought to help stimulate your metabolism and brain function - both things that are more useful while awake versus sleeping. In addition, if you are trying to relax and get ready for bed, you might not appreciate a sudden energy boost. Sometimes, the trick is to work them into your routine if you are not used to it. Some people find placing them next to their coffee mug or keeping them next to your packed food can help.

On the other hand, some people suggest that the best time to take vitamins is during the evening, right before bed. These people argue that your body is then supplied with nutrients that it can metabolize while sleeping for an extra boost. However, it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence to suggest this is true. In the end, it is not essential because ultimately, the best time of day to take supplements is the time you are most likely to remember.

Should You Take Supplements With Food?

This is another one of those questions that are best left to each individual to decide. Everyone has a different stomach, and some people have a more sensitive stomach lining than others. For those who find that supplements are rough on their stomach, taking them with food can be helpful. However, remember that some supplements don't mix well with other food items like our example of iron from before. So with that in mind, you might want to be careful about mixing supplements with food if you are not aware of how they will interact.

Common Supplements & Vitamins

At this point, you may be ready to start supplementing your diet since you have the freedom of taking them as you like. Once again, the best time of day to take vitamins is any time you will remember. Curious about what some of the most popular supplements and vitamins are? They are without a doubt multivitamins followed by (in no specific order) folic acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin Bs, Iron, and Vitamin C. Right now, Tumeric and witch's hazel are also enjoying their moment of popularity and can be a great place to start. One of the advantages of supplements is that they often come in many more forms than just a pill which makes them easy to incorporate into your diet.

There are many places where you can check for vitamins and supplements if you are just getting started. Many places that specialize in nutritional supplements also offer supplements designed to complement a workout. Grocery stores that cater to an audience that enjoys organic foods and all-natural foods often also have a great variety of supplements. Of course, these days the internet has made it easier than ever to find a wide array of supplements and vitamins which is truly one of the easiest ways to find a supplement that supports your lifestyle and meets your individualized needs.

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